Team Member Spotlight: Amber Friesen


Southwest of Lubbock, about halfway between Brownfield and Tatum, New Mexico, you’ll find Plains, the seat of Yoakum County, and the childhood home of our favorite Plains Cowgirl, Amber Friesen.

Amber serves as APEX Flight Solutions’, and now Reata Jet’s, trip coordinator and client relations specialist. If you call our office, chances are you’re going to speak with Amber, and chances are you’re going to make a friend.

An exceptional student in high school, Amber made her escape to college where she studied to become a teacher. After graduating from Angelo State, she plied her craft teaching junior high math, an experience that today makes her eminently qualified to deal with pilots.

Looking for a new direction, Amber spent a few years in the insurance industry, but she says she never felt fulfilled. Then when Covid shut the world down, it created pressures on her sector of the market that she found to be out of line with her own ethics. She decided to make another career change.

She’d always been fascinated with the world of aviation, and when the chance arose to spend more time around airports, she took it. At first, she found herself helping the APEX crew clean and detail airplanes, then she slowly started working her way into helping with scheduling and making sure all the little details around each trip were taken care of to a high standard.

In 2020, Amber took a leap and enrolled in flight attendant school. Shortly thereafter, she was hired as an attendant by Wheels Up on their fleet of Challengers before they were abruptly sold by the company a year later. Those circumstances served to solidify her position at APEX.

Today, Amber is an indispensable member of the APEX and Reata family. She is your advocate, ensuring your schedule and special requests are honored and that you have a wonderful experience, whether as an aircraft owner or charter customer.

“Growing up, I didn't know this world existed. My dad was a pilot, but he didn't fly much when I was little, so everything around me now is just something I never dreamed I’d be a part of,” says Amber.

We are all travelers on our own path, and we at APEX are beyond thankful Amber’s winding path led her to us… and to you.

Clayton Corn