2022 Year-In-Review

While not nearly as eventful in terms of freak weather phenomena and the lingering global pandemic that plagued 2021, ‘22 proved to be another banner year for APEX Flight Solutions. We added personnel in the maintenance shop, more aircraft to the management fleet, and flew more miles and hours than ever before in company history.

Q1 was like being shot out of a gun with the number of flight operations. With new clients buying into our existing fleet, along with the addition of new planes, we were in the air… a LOT. All told, this past year the APEX fleet flew enough miles to circumnavigate the globe 14 times with at least one aircraft in the air for an average of three hours every single day. With the fast ops tempo and the addition of three aircraft to the managed fleet, our shop was a hive of activity keeping everything flying while also prepping aircraft to go into charter service. This necessitated the addition of three technicians and a dedicated parts manager. (Look for an introduction to our maintenance staff in our next newsletter.)

Throughout the year, we continued work towards part 135 charter with a likely launch date falling within Q1 2023. We also developed many new products which will be rolled out in the following months, including a highly researched cost projection tool along with other enhanced services.

In total, revenues for our little company tripled year-over-year. As we look into 2023 and beyond, sustainable growth is at the core of our business model while refining our client offerings. Our North Star is to become the most highly regarded Austin-based aircraft management and charter organization. We can’t do that without the loyalty and feedback of our valued clients. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for such an incredible year.

Clayton Corn